Friday, March 1, 2013

IshiHime... i do what i want

If anyone notices that this was inspired by the running joke in Guillory/Layman's "Chew" (Image Comics), you win a GIANT INTERNET COOKIE.

Ahhahahaaahaaa. Had to/wanted to draw it. No apologies.
IshiHime is not totally convincing but I love these two characters.  Uryu's crush on Hime is adorable.  Until their characters are developed more (i.e: Orihime gets over Ichigo, preferably in a very self-confident, sick of one-sided relationship way) nothing is going to move forward. 

I am going to say something that is going to get me internet murdered, but I don't get UlquiHime.  *ducks*
It has inspired some really smoking hot fanart, that is truth.
But Ulquiorra is dead.  Dead and gone.  
I don't deny that Ulquiorra might have fallen in love.  (but this is a shounen manga so any romantic developments have to be KILLED PRONTO)
Orihime was sad when it happened but she didn't mourn afterwards.  She went right back to doting on Ichigo.

If you have been keeping up with the manga up to Chapter 528 and want to know my thoughts, please


Meanwhile... I am FREAKING LOSING MY FUCKING MIND over recent manga development.  Ichigo was rejected by Asauchi.  He is not recognized as a full Shinigami and he lost his zanpakuto. It's fucking fantastic cliffhanger and story development-wise (there hasn't been a crisis like this since Ulquiorra straight up killed him) but we are freaking out because we don't know what he's going to end up being and how.  

I am cool with him being a Quincy.  Please don't wear white, Ichigo.  You look terrible in white.
He can't turn into a hybrid- it's a little too much; the powers are not interchangeable.
It means he can't really 'belong' in Soul Society but it's not really his home.  He can still visit- Ishida has no problems doing it.
It means giving up the fantasy that Ichigo can become a Gotei 13 captain and hang out in Soul Society forever but that's not his style.

I am keeping hope alive that things will work out for IchiRuki, as long as Ichigo can still interact with the dead.  No matter what he is, this needs to not change.  It's his heritage.  THIS SHIP WILL SAIL.

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