Wednesday, November 6, 2013

memento mori: the conclusion

Yeah, remember how I designed a tattoo of Rukia with memento mori themes?
I got it done!  Yay!  Here is the album.

Biggest tattoo yet, 2 sittings for a total of 4 hrs 45 mins.
I think it turned out great.  The only thing about it was getting used to something so big covering my leg.  But it's pretty much solidified my resolve to become a tattoo covered freak, starting with my legs :) Calves/shins are next!

This will probably be my only 'anime' tattoo, and I don't think I could have chosen a better character.
In my case, my tattoos are about loving something so much and my enthusiasm and belief in them so great that they need to burst out and be manifested into pictures on my skin.  Every one of them gives me kind of a private happiness.
Fuck what anyone else thinks. (unless they think you're a total badass.  That's ok)

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