Friday, February 15, 2013

Rukia: Bankai

There is some speculation on what Rukia's bankai would be so I am compelled to do my own take.

Makes sense story-wise for Rukia to gain bankai.  (spoilers) She was chosen to go to the Spirit King's realm after all- I'm assuming- to get some kick ass spirit training.  Go Rukia!  Leveling up is not just a boy's club!

And how else to defeat the new threat that steals bankais except with new and better bankais?

Kuchiki Rukia's bankai?

Not very impressive in black & white but I imagined Sode no Shirayuki's ribbon to encompass the user and act as a versatile and kido-like forcefield (glows with magic, moves on its own initiative and does not get tangled-- inspired by the constant undulating movement of the 'flying scarves' in the video game "Journey") 
The katana turns into more of a glowing holy sword.  It is a defensive rather than offensive bankai-- not enough of those IMO.

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