Wednesday, May 15, 2013

my one and possibly only fanfic

Behind Closed Doors, begun Feb 2013, completed May 2013.
Summary: Rukia thinks she's alone and focuses on her desires for a change. Ichigo finds out. It's the start of something new, but there are many factors against them. Love doesn't come without consequence, but it is worthwhile nevertheless. Set in two parts: pre- and post- Thousand Year Blood War arc. 
Contains LEMON and is rated M for mature readers only.  
Genre: Romance, Drama and Smut.
Words: approx 40,000
Chapters: 8

Like so many other fanfics, it contains my personal interpretation about how their relationship would progress once it got physical (if Bleach was a hentai, maybe :P)
Also a lot of my personal headcanon, i.e: how Orihime's character would be better if she managed to get over Ichigo, pro-IshiHime, Central 46 being bureaucratic dickbags (Soul Society's government is messed up, guys), and Ichigo being a young adult with hormones.
Some of it was simply created by the urge to circumvent the cliches out there (am I the only one who thinks Ichigo would not make a great division captain?  And that he's not just going to stay in Soul Society and that will be the HAPPIEST ENDING) ...and to give Rukia a more balanced role of career ambition/personal responsibility and not just want to pop out kids.  Fuuuuuck.

I'm happy it's out there.  I'm happy I did it but I'm also happy it's done.  You won't see much writing from me for a while :P

Oh yeah, and manga chapter 537? Omigod, Kubo.

Thank you for this face. DAT FACE. Shit, I'm freaking out about how grown up Ichigo looks.

I got a few things wrong in my Masaki theory post because Kubo.
What I knew for sure:  Masaki could have easily defeated Grand Fisher, but Juha Bach did sort of kill her indirectly.  It's simply a good reason for Ichigo to get involved on a personal level.
Hear that Quincy King?  You just made shit personal.

It wasn't a surprise to see Uryu doing the 'betrayal' thing but it still made my heart sink.  I have no doubt that he has ulterior motives but of course it's going to be dragged out forever again.
Did you do it for the uniforms, Uryu?  I don't blame you.  Dude looks like a GQMF.

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