Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Something different

Just a post to show you that I am a fan of more than just Bleach :P  I love American comics too.
Pencil sketches, quick and scribbly.
Death and her brother Dream, Sandman (Vertigo)
Dream's cloak is so cool, ohmigod.  I like how Death just seems to be floating.

Catwoman (DC) is my favorite character of all time.
Batman is sort of in this picture too.
I love Catwoman.  She is my patron saint, role model, goddess, and split personality, LOL.
It is not so much the comic, or even the character (but totally the outfit).  It is the concept and persona behind a cat woman. 
Not to mention the mythology.  Case in point, the Egyptian goddess Bast.  I'd worship her no probs.
Ever met a 'cat person?'  I have more of what I'd call a 'cat personality'.  Cats are instinctive, territorial, reactionary, and if you are not used to them, they can seem indifferent, unabashedly self-entitled or hateful.
They can also run the wide range of being completely standoffish and mean to totally affectionate and in-your-face.  In a single cat.
... Yeah, sounds like me.  Like I could have been a cat in a past life.  Comparing women to cats?  No shit!
So... I think I can empathize with cats sometimes and I like to hang out with them.  This is something that I would share in common with Catwoman, if she were real (in my heart, maybe)

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